102+ Biblical Dog Names – Ideal For Your Canine

Unveil the timeless allure of our collection Biblical Dog Names. A unique and meaningful choice for pet owners seeking depth in nomenclature. These names are rooted in ancient scriptures and resonate with virtues, stories, and profound symbolism. Each name carries a distinct narrative, reflecting courage, loyalty, and compassion. The options are as diverse as the tales they embody. Embrace the spiritual connection and historical richness of these male and female names, transforming your canine companion’s identity into a tribute to enduring narratives. Elevate the bond with your furry friend by bestowing them a name that transcends the ordinary—a Biblical Dog Name with a touch of divine significance.

Biblical Dog Names Related to Spiritual

Explore a divine connection with your canine companion through these spiritually inspired biblical dog names.

Bethel – House of God: Symbolizing a sacred dwelling for your faithful four-legged friend.

Zion – Symbol of Heaven: Elevate your dog’s essence with this celestial and lofty name.

Seraph – Fiery Angel: Reflecting the warmth and angelic presence your pet brings into your life.

Ezra – Helper: A name embodying your loyal companion’s supportive and assisting nature.

Jubilee – Time of Celebration: Perfect for a joyful and festive canine companion.

Selah – Pause and Reflect: Ideal for a thoughtful and contemplative furry friend.

Thaddeus – Courageous Heart: A name that signifies the bravery and strength within your dog.

Galilee – Rolling: A fitting choice for an energetic and spirited canine companion.

Jerusha – Possession: Celebrate the unique bond of ownership and love with this name.

Nazareth – Separated: A distinctive name for a one-of-a-kind and individualistic pet.

Moriah – Chosen by God: Embrace the divine selection of your beloved furry family member.

Malachi – Messenger of God: An apt name for a loyal and communicative canine companion.

Hadassah – Myrtle Tree: Symbolizing the beauty and grace your pet brings to your life.

Canaan – Promised Land: Acknowledge the fulfillment and happiness your dog brings.

Hezekiah – God Strengthens A powerful and meaningful name for a robust and enduring pet.

Biblical Female Dog Names

Embark on a journey of meaningful nomenclature for your female canine with these female
biblical dog names.

Abigail – Father’s Joy: A name reflecting the sheer delight your dog brings into your life.

Tabitha – Gazelle: Symbolizing grace, elegance, and the agile nature of your furry companion.

Dinah – Judged: Choose this name for a dog with a discerning and wise demeanor.

Keziah – Cinnamon: Celebrate your beloved canine friend’s sweet and comforting presence.

Adah – Ornament: Acknowledge your dog’s decorative and cherished role in your life.

Tirzah – Delight: A name expressing the pure joy and happiness your dog exudes.

Zipporah – Bird: Ideal for a free-spirited and lively female canine companion.

Hadassah – Myrtle Tree: Signifying the beauty and grace that defines your furry friend.

Jemima – Dove: Embrace your feathered-namesake canine’s gentle and peaceful nature.

Keturah – Incense: A name representing the aromatic and soothing essence of your dog’s presence.

Susannah – Lily: Choose this name for a dog whose presence adds purity and serenity.

Milcah – Queen: Acknowledge your royal canine companion’s regal and majestic qualities.

Maacah – Mother: Perfect for a nurturing and maternal female dog with a caring disposition.

Jerusha – Possession: Celebrate the unique bond of ownership and love with this name.

Keilah – Citadel: A solid and robust name for a female canine with a resilient spirit.

Biblical Male Dog Names

Naming your male canine companion with these biblical male dog names.

Gideon – Feller of Trees: A firm name for a dog with a robust and resilient nature.

Caleb – Faithful, Devoted: Choose this name to honor the unwavering loyalty of your dog.

Ephraim – Fruitful: Ideal for a playful and vibrant male dog that brings joy and abundance.

Joel – Yahweh is God, symbolizing your divine presence and guidance.

Jethro – Excellent: Celebrate your furry friend’s excellence and remarkable qualities.

Ezekiel – God Strengthens: A powerful and meaningful name for a robust and enduring pet.

Reuben – Behold, a Son: A fitting choice for a beloved male dog in your family.

Amos – Burden Bearer: Perfect for a compassionate and supportive canine companion.

Simeon – God has Heard: Acknowledge your dog’s attentive and responsive nature.

Zephaniah – God has Hidden: Ideal for a mysterious and enigmatic male canine friend.

Asa – Healer: A name that reflects your dog’s comforting and healing presence.

Nehemiah – Comforted by God: Choose this name for a source of solace and companionship.

Obadiah – Servant of God: A name honoring your dog’s loyal and servant-like qualities.

Hosea – Salvation: Symbolizing the rescuing and uplifting essence your dog brings to your life.

Micah – Who is Like God: A name that emphasizes your canine companion’s uniqueness and unique qualities.

Biblical Names for Dogs Related to Hebrew

Explore the richness of biblical heritage by choosing a meaningful Hebrew name for your
beloved canine companion.

Ezra: A name embodying loyalty and assistance, ideal for a faithful canine companion.

Zara: Perfect for a regal female dog, embodying grace and elegance.

Jethro: A name that suits a lively and energetic dog, symbolizing prosperity and vitality.

Shira: An ideal name for a harmonious and joyful dog that brings music to your life.

Malachi: A solid and noble name, signifying divine connection and purpose.

Selah: Perfect for a thoughtful and calm dog, encouraging moments of reflection.

Boaz: A mighty name for a robust and sturdy dog, symbolizing resilience.

Aviva: Ideal for a lively and playful dog, embodying the spirit of renewal.

Gideon: A fitting name for a courageous and protective dog, showcasing strength.

Havilah: Perfect for a lively and playful dog, embodying the spirit of celebration.

Nehemiah: An affectionate name for a comforting and supportive canine friend.

Dinah: Ideal for a discerning and wise dog, symbolizing fairness and insight.

Tobias: A positive and uplifting name for a cheerful and good-natured dog.

Azariah: A name that reflects divine assistance, suitable for a loyal and supportive companion.

Atara: Perfect for a dignified and majestic dog, symbolizing royal grace and honor.

Dog Names Biblical Related to Greek

Explore a canine connection between the biblical and Greek worlds with these distinctive dog names.

Jericho: “Moon city” signifies strength and resilience in Greek and biblical contexts.

Selene: A Greek name for the moon goddess, symbolizing radiance and purity.

Ezra: Translated as “helper” or “helper of God” in the Bible, it exudes loyalty.

Athena: Named after the Greek goddess of wisdom, reflecting intelligence and grace.

Silas: A biblical name meaning “wood” or “forest,” embodying a rugged and natural spirit.

Clio: From the Greek muse of history, this name represents knowledge and inspiration.

Gideon: Meaning “mighty warrior” in Hebrew, it conveys bravery and strength.

Nyx: In Greek mythology, Nyx is the goddess of the night, symbolizing mystery and allure.

Jael: A biblical name signifying “mountain goat,” representing agility and sure-footedness.

Thalia: Named after the Greek muse of comedy, it brings joy and laughter.

Malachi: A Hebrew name meaning “messenger of God,” embodying a divine connection.

Zephyr: Greek for “west wind,” capturing the essence of a free-spirited and gentle companion.

Magdalene: Of biblical origin, meaning “tower” or “elevated,” symbolizing strength and resilience.

Apollo: Named after the Greek god of music and arts, reflecting creativity and harmony.

Cyrus: A Persian name found in the Bible, meaning “sun” and portraying warmth and vitality.

Calypso: From Greek mythology, associated with concealment and mystery, perfect for an enigmatic canine friend.

Dog Names with Biblical Meanings Related to Latin

Discover a blend of divine inspiration and Latin roots with these meaningful dog names from the Bible.

Lucius: Latin for “light,” embodying enlightenment and radiance in the biblical context.
Priscilla: Meaning “ancient” or “venerable,” reflecting wisdom and grace in biblical significance.

Quintus: A Latin name symbolizing the fifth-born, representing order and balance in biblical terms.

Tabitha: Of Aramaic origin, it means “gazelle” or “grace,” portraying elegance and agility.

Octavia: Latin for “eighth,” signifying new beginnings and regeneration in a biblical sense.

Clement: Meaning “merciful” or “gentle,” capturing the compassionate nature found in biblical teachings.

Darius: Of Persian origin, it means “upholder of the good,” embodying righteousness in biblical connotations.

Junia: A Latin name representing youthfulness and vitality, resonating with the spirit of renewal.

Felix: Latin for “fortunate” or “happy,” reflecting blessings and joy as seen in the Bible.

Ignatius: Derived from Latin, it means “fiery” or “ardent,” symbolizing passion and enthusiasm.

Salome: A biblical name with Latin roots, signifying peace and harmony in its essence.

Maximus: Latin for “greatest,” embodying strength and leadership qualities inspired by biblical principles.

Rhoda: Meaning “rose” in Latin, symbolizes beauty and elegance, mirroring biblical virtues.

Cornelius: Of Latin origin, it signifies “horn” or “strong-willed,” reflecting determination in biblical contexts.

Justina: Latin for “fair” or “just,” capturing the essence of righteousness and integrity from the Bible.

Uriah: Meaning “God is my light” in Latin, portraying a divine connection and spiritual illumination.

Biblical Girl Dog Names Related to Christian

Delve into meaningful and spiritual dog names with these 15 biblical-inspired choices.

Bethany: A biblical place name, meaning “house of figs,” symbolizing sweetness and nourishment.

Seraphina: Of Hebrew origin, it means “fiery” or “burning ones,” representing divine passion.

Keziah: A biblical name denoting “cassia” or “cinnamon,” embodying fragrance and uniqueness.

Talitha: Aramaic for “little girl” or “maiden,” capturing the innocence and purity of youth.

Hadassah: Hebrew for “myrtle tree,” symbolizing beauty, grace, and a connection to nature.

Cyra: A modern twist on a biblical name, meaning “throne” or “royal,” reflecting regal elegance.

Jemima: Of Hebrew origin, it means “dove,” symbolizing peace, love, and gentleness.

Selah: A musical term in the Psalms suggesting reflection and contemplation, perfect for a serene pup.

Jerusha: Meaning “possession” or “dispossessor,” embodying a sense of strength and resilience.

Galilee: Inspired by the biblical region, it signifies “circuit” or “district,” representing inclusivity and unity.

Zemira: Of Hebrew origin, meaning “song” or “melody,” capturing the joy and harmony of music.

Moriah: A biblical place name means “chosen by God,” signifying divine favor and purpose.

Neriah: Hebrew for “lamb of God,” representing illumination and guidance in a spiritual context.

Orpah: A biblical name meaning “back of the neck,” symbolizing loyalty and commitment.

Zillah: Of biblical origin, it means “shade” or “protection,” reflecting a nurturing and caring nature.

Biblical Boy Dog Names Related to Sanskrit

Explore the fusion of biblical essence and Sanskrit roots with these distinctive names for your male canine companion.

Ashwin: Sanskrit for “horse tamer” or “light,” embodying strength and radiant energy in the biblical context.

Rohit: Meaning “red” or “sunrise,” symbolizing vitality and warmth, inspired by biblical virtues.

Harsha: Of Sanskrit origin, it means “happiness” or “joy,” reflecting a cheerful and uplifting nature.

Ananda: Translated as “bliss” or “divine joy,” representing a source of spiritual happiness.

Surya: Sanskrit for “sun god,” capturing the essence of brightness and warmth, mirroring biblical teachings.

Dhruv: Meaning “constant” or “immovable,” symbolizing steadfastness and reliability in a biblical sense.

Rishi: Of Sanskrit origin, it signifies “sage” or “wise seer,” reflecting wisdom and discernment.

Arun: Translated as “dawn” or “sun,” embodying the promise of a new beginning and enlightenment.

Varun: Sanskrit for “lord of the water,” symbolizing fluidity and adaptability in biblical connotations.

Vedant: Meaning “knowledge” or “sacred wisdom,” capturing the essence of divine understanding.

Rajan: Of Sanskrit origin, it signifies “king” or “ruler,” embodying leadership qualities from the Bible.

Chandra: Translated as “moon,” reflecting calmness and serenity, inspired by biblical tranquility.

Ishaan: Sanskrit for “sun” or “lord of wealth,” symbolizing abundance and prosperity in a biblical context.

Girik: Meaning “lord of mountains,” embodying strength and stability, resonating with biblical fortitude.

Ambar: Of Sanskrit origin, it signifies “sky” or “heaven,” capturing a sense of celestial grace and majesty.

Biblical Dog Names Related to Catholic

Embrace the sacred connection with these meaningful dog names inspired by the Catholic faith.

Dominic: Latin for “belonging to the Lord,” embodying devotion and loyalty in the Catholic context.

Clare: Derived from Clara, meaning “clear” or “bright,” symbolizing purity and divine clarity.

Sebastian: A saint’s name, meaning “venerable” or “revered,” representing strength and honor.

Veronica: Of Greek origin, it means “she who brings victory,” symbolizing triumph and grace.

Benedict: Latin for “blessed,” reflecting divine favor and the grace of the Catholic faith.

Cecilia: Named after the patron saint of music, signifying harmony and the joy of creation.

Ambrose: Of Greek origin, it means “immortal” or “divine,” embodying everlasting spiritual significance.

Felicity: Latin for “happiness” or “good fortune,” representing the joy found in faith and love.

Damian: A saint’s name, meaning “to tame” or “subdue,” symbolizing strength and resilience.

Genevieve: Of French origin, it means “tribe woman” or “woman of the people,” reflecting compassion.

Ignatius: Latin for “fiery” or “ardent,” capturing the passionate commitment to the Catholic faith.

Beatrice: Meaning “bringer of joy” in Latin, signifies the happiness derived from a divine presence.

Read More: Indian Dog Names

FAQs About Biblical Dog Names

Why Choose a Biblical Dog Name?

Biblical dog names carry a deep and enduring significance. They often reflect virtues, characteristics, and stories that resonate with pet owners. Choosing a name from the Bible adds a layer of meaning to your dog’s identity, making the naming process more intentional and personal.

Are There Specific Meanings Behind Biblical Dog Names?

Yes, many biblical names have distinct meanings. For example, “Abigail” means “source of joy,” while “Samson” signifies “sun” or “brightness.” Understanding the meanings behind biblical names can help you select one that aligns with your dog’s personality or characteristics.

Can I Choose a Biblical Dog Name Regardless of My Religious Beliefs?

Absolutely! The beauty of biblical dog names lies in their universal appeal. You don’t need to adhere to a specific religious belief to appreciate the timeless stories and virtues found in the Bible. Whether you’re drawn to the narratives or simply love the sound of a particular name, anyone can choose a biblical name for their furry friend.

How Can I Ensure the Chosen Name Fits My Dog?

Consider your dog’s breed, size, personality, and physical characteristics when choosing a biblical name. Names with one or two syllables are often easier for dogs to recognize. Additionally, observe your dog’s behavior and traits to find a name that genuinely resonates and complements their unique qualities.

Final Word

Choosing a biblical dog name adds a unique and meaningful touch to your pet’s identity and reflects the rich history and values associated with the scriptures. These female and male names carry a profound significance, resonating with stories of courage, loyalty, and compassion. By selecting a girl’s or boy’s biblical name for your furry companion, you pay homage to timeless tales and instill a sense of spirituality and purpose. So, whether it’s Noah, Ruth, or Gabriel, each name tells a story and creates a bond that transcends the ordinary. Choosing a biblical dog name is a decision filled with depth and character.