107+ Popular Hungarian Dog Names For Male & Female

Uncover the rich tapestry of Hungarian culture through our curated collection of Hungarian dog names. Imbued with historical significance and a touch of elegance, these names reflect the spirited nature of Hungary and its people. Each name tells a story, from the majestic Magyar heritage to the picturesque landscapes.

Whether you’re drawn to the poetic allure of Bence or the strength embodied in Zoltán, our collection celebrates the diverse facets of Hungarian identity. Choose a name that not only resonates with your dog’s personality but also pays homage to the cultural richness of Hungary. Elevate your pet’s identity with a Hungarian dog name as unique and captivating as the country.

Hungarian /Puli Dog Names

Welcoming a Hungarian Puli into your home is an exciting experience. These lively and intelligent dogs deserve names that reflect their unique personalities.

Zoltan: Zoltan is a name fit for a regal Puli, symbolizing their noble demeanor and majestic presence.

Csilla: Perfect for a Puli with a sparkling personality, Csilla reflects their shining, luminous nature.

László: László is an ideal choice for a Puli with a charismatic and fame-worthy charm.

Réka: A name that suits a Puli with a rare and precious quality, just like a pearl.

Béla: Ideal for a Puli with a stunning white coat, Béla reflects their distinctive color.

Sarolta: Sarolta is a name for the Puli, who rules your heart with a graceful and royal demeanor.

Viktor: A solid and robust name for a Puli who exudes confidence and resilience.

Hajna: Perfect for a Puli who brings a new light and joy into your life, just like the dawn.

Márton: Márton is a fitting name for a Puli with a spirited and determined personality.

Anikó: Anikó is ideal for a Puli with a graceful and elegant presence that captivates everyone.

Zsolt: This name is for a Puli who naturally takes charge and leads with authority.

Kata: Kata is a name for a Puli with a pure and innocent heart, embodying simplicity and honesty.

Bence: Bence is perfect for a Puli who brings blessings and joy into your life.

Ilona: Ideal for a Puli who brightens your days with a cheerful and radiant personality.

Ákos: Ákos is a name for a Puli with a free spirit and a soaring, adventurous nature.

Judit: Judit is a fitting name for a Puli who deserves praise for their loyalty and companionship.

Names For Hungarian Vizsla Dogs

Welcoming a Hungarian Vizsla into your family brings joy and excitement. These energetic and affectionate dogs deserve names that reflect their unique qualities.

Emery: Emery is a fitting name for a Vizsla known for its hardworking and determined nature.

Cleo: Ideal for a Vizsla with a dignified presence, Cleo captures their regal and confident demeanor.

Dax: Dax suits a Vizsla with natural leadership qualities, displaying courage and strength.

Mira: Mira is a name for a Vizsla whose presence brings wonder and joy.

Nina: Perfect for a Vizsla with a whimsical and imaginative personality, Nina reflects their dreamy nature.

Oscar: Oscar is a name for a Vizsla with a divine and powerful aura.

Zara: Zara is ideal for a Vizsla with grace and elegance, embodying a regal presence.

Felix: Felix is a name for a Vizsla that radiates happiness and prosperity in every wag of its tail.

Sasha: A strong and protective name for a Vizsla with a loyal and watchful nature.

Ivy: Ivy is perfect for a Vizsla known for its unwavering loyalty and devotion.

Quinn: Quinn is a name for a Vizsla with intelligence and wisdom beyond its years.

Remy: Ideal for a Vizsla who loves the water, Remy signifies a companion ready for aquatic adventures.

Tessa: Tessa is a fitting name for a Vizsla with boundless energy and a zest for life.

Xander: Xander suits a Vizsla who takes on the role of a protective and caring guardian.

Lola: Lola is a name for a resilient and robust Vizsla, embodying strength and determination.

János: János is a name that reflects gratitude and grace, making it suitable for a dog with a kind and loving nature.

Hungarian Female Dog Names

Bringing a Hungarian female dog into your home is a delightful experience, and finding the right name that complements her personality is crucial.

Eszter: Eszter is a name fit for a female dog who shines brightly with a captivating presence.

Klára: Ideal for a dog with a clear and bright personality, Klára embodies clarity and radiance.

Gizella: A name that suits a committed and loyal female dog, Gizella reflects devotion and allegiance.

Enikő: Enikő is perfect for a dog with a precious and rare quality reminiscent of a pearl.

Vivien: Suitable for a spirited and lively female dog, Vivien captures her energetic nature.

Zsófia: Zsófia is an ideal choice for an intelligent and wise canine companion.

Noémi: Noémi is a name for a dog with a delightful and agreeable demeanor.

Julianna: Julianna is perfect for a playful and youthful female dog who brings joy to your home.

Veronika: A fitting name for a dog whose authenticity and genuine nature shine through.

Ilka: Ilka suits a female dog who stands out with her brightness and charm.

Renáta: Renáta is a name for a dog who brings a sense of renewal and vitality into your life.

Zita: Zita is ideal for a petite, adorable female dog with a youthful spirit.

Brigitta: Brigitta fits a dog with strength and a regal presence.

Mária: Mária is a name for a dog with a touch of complexity and a strong, resilient spirit.

Nóra: Nóra is ideal for a female dog who carries herself with dignity and honor.

Petra: Petra is a steadfast and dependable dog, symbolizing strength and reliability.

Szilvia: Szilvia is a name for a dog connected to nature, evoking the spirit of the forest.

Hungarian Male Dog Names

These names add a touch of Hungarian heritage to your dog’s identity and capture the diverse and vibrant qualities that make each dog unique.

Benedek: Benedek is a name for a dog that brings blessings and joy into your life, symbolizing the happiness he brings.

Gergő: Gergő is perfect for an energetic and lively dog, reflecting his spirited and robust nature.

Levente: Levente is ideal for a dog with courage and bravery, embodying a brave spirit.

Sándor: Sándor is a strong and protective name for a dog who stands as a loyal guardian, defending his family.

Ferenc: Ferenc is suited for a dog with an independent and free-spirited personality, embracing his freedom.

Zsoltán: Zsoltán is a regal name for a dog with a majestic and kingly presence, exuding authority.

Viktor: Viktor is a mighty name for a dog who conquers hearts with strength and charisma.

Balázs: Balázs is ideal for a dog with royal qualities, embodying a majestic and noble demeanor.

Máté: Máté is a fitting name for a dog that is a true gift, bringing love and companionship into your life.

Ákos: Ákos is a name for a dog with a free spirit, symbolizing his adventurous and soaring nature.

Péter: Péter is a strong and sturdy name for a resilient dog, reflecting his solid and unyielding nature.

Bálint: Bálint is a name that signifies a robust and healthy dog, embodying vitality and well-being.

Zoltán: Zoltán is perfect for a lively dog, capturing the essence of his vibrant personality.

István: István is a regal name for a dog with a princely aura, signifying his noble and dignified presence.

Cool Hungarian Dog Names

Naming your dog can be exciting, and finding inspiration in weather elements adds a cool and unique touch.

Csillag: Csillag is an excellent and celestial name for a dog with a sparkling and luminous personality, much like a star.

Szél: Szél is a breezy and carefree name for a dog with an energetic and playful nature, reminiscent of the wind’s gentle sway.

Vihar: Vihar is a solid and robust name for a dog with a bold and resilient spirit, embodying a storm’s intensity.

Hóvihar: Hóvihar is an excellent and adventurous name for a dog with a spirited and lively character, just like a winter blizzard.

Napfény: Napfény is a bright and warm name for a dog with a cheerful and sunny disposition, capturing the essence of sunshine.

Felhő: Felhő is a calm and dreamy name for a dog with a laid-back and easygoing nature, like a fluffy cloud in the sky.

Harmat: Harmat is an excellent and refreshing name for a dog with a gentle and calm demeanor reminiscent of morning dew.

Hajnal: Hajnal is a relaxed and tranquil name for a dog with a calm and soothing presence, embodying the peacefulness of dawn.

Zivatar: Zivatar is a dynamic and intense name for a dog with a bold and assertive personality, capturing the essence of thunder.

Fagy: Fagy is a fantastic and crisp name for a dog with a refreshing and brisk demeanor, like the touch of frost.

Marika: Marika is a name for a dog with a strong and determined personality, adding a touch of resilience to her charm.

Mihály: Mihály is a fitting name for a dog with a unique and divine presence, standing out among his canine companions.

Cute Hungarian Dog Names

Selecting a cute and distinctive name for your Hungarian pup is a delightful task, and drawing inspiration from food ingredients can add a flavorful twist.

Paprika: Paprika is a spicy and lively name for a dog with a vibrant and energetic personality.

Szilva: Szilva is perfect for a sweet and gentle dog reminiscent of the delicious and comforting plum.

Mogyoró: Mogyoró is a cute name for a dog with a warm and nutty disposition, just like a

Torma: Torma is an energetic and zesty name for a spirited dog.

Kukorica: Kukorica is ideal for a dog with a wholesome and down-to-earth nature, much like the staple corn.

Csokoládé: Csokoládé is a sweet and indulgent name for a dog with a rich and delightful personality.

Tárkony: Tárkony is a fresh and aromatic name for a dog with a lively and stimulating presence.

Meggy: Meggy is perfect for a dog with a playful and slightly mischievous character, like the tangy sour cherry.

Gesztenye: Gesztenye is a warm and comforting name for a dog with a calm and nurturing demeanor.

Gulyás: Gulyás is a hearty and substantial name for a dog with a robust and satisfying presence.

Túró: Túró is a light and fluffy name for a dog with a gentle and easygoing disposition.

Körte: Körte is an elegant and sweet name for a dog with a graceful and endearing nature.

Hagyma: Hagyma is a quirky and versatile name for a dog with layers of personality, much like an onion.

Rozmaring: Rozmaring is a fragrant and aromatic name for a dog with a fresh and invigorating presence.

Alma: Alma is a crisp and refreshing name for a dog with a lively and fruity personality.

Liba: Liba is a playful and charming name for a dog with a friendly and pleasant disposition.

Popular Hungarian Dog Names

Naming your dog is a joyful endeavor, and drawing inspiration from delectable desserts can add a sweet touch to the process.

Dobos: Dobos is a regal and sophisticated name inspired by the famous Hungarian Dobos Torte, reflecting a dog with a touch of elegance and sweetness.

Rétes: Rétes is a delightful and flaky name for a dog with a playful and charming personality, much like the layers of a strudel.

Kifli: Kifli is a crescent-shaped and whimsical name for a dog with a gentle and endearing nature.

Krémes: Krémes is a creamy and luxurious name for a dog with a smooth and comforting presence.

Túró Rudi: Túró Rudi is a playful and lighthearted name for a dog with a mix of sweetness and grit.

Pálinka: Pálinka is a spirited and bold name for a dog with a lively and energetic character.

Mákos: Mákos is a unique and crunchy name for a dog with a distinctive and adventurous nature.

Dér: Dér is a frosty and cool name for a dog with a chill and laid-back demeanor.

Kakaó: Kakaó is a warm and comforting name for a dog with a cozy and nurturing presence.

Bejgli: Bejgli is a nutty and flavorful name for a dog with a rich and fulfilling personality.

Tiramisu: Tiramisu is an exotic and sophisticated name for a dog with a touch of Italian charm.

Esterházy: Esterházy is an aristocratic and refined name for a dog with a regal and distinguished demeanor.

Dinnye: Dinnye is a fresh and fruity name for a dog with a vibrant and refreshing personality.

Málna: Málna is a tangy and playful name for a dog with a zesty and spirited character.

Top Hungarian Dog Names And Meanings

Selecting a name for your dog is a significant and enjoyable decision, and drawing inspiration from Hungarian rivers can add a unique and meaningful touch.

Dunav: Dunav is a majestic and powerful name for a dog, symbolizing the strength and grandeur of the iconic Danube River.

Tisza: Tisza is a serene and calm name for a dog, reflecting the gentle and peaceful nature of the Tisza River.

Sárvíz: Sárvíz is a playful and lively name for a spirited dog, mirroring the dynamic character of the Sárvíz Creek.

Rába: Rába is a strong and resilient dog name, capturing the Rába River’s enduring spirit.

Körös: Körös is a versatile and adaptable name for a dog, reflecting the diverse characteristics of the Körös River.

Marcal: Marcal is a calm and serene name for a dog, embodying the tranquil and soothing essence of the Marcal River.

Lajta: Lajta is a graceful and elegant name for a sophisticated dog, capturing the refined beauty of the Lajta River.

Ipoly: Ipoly is a versatile and adaptable dog name, symbolizing the Ipoly River’s diverse characteristics.

Sajó: Sajó is a resilient and enduring name for a dog, embodying the strength and longevity of the Sajó River.

Hernád: Hernád is a dynamic and energetic name for a spirited dog, capturing the lively spirit of the Hernád River.

Zagyva: Zagyva is an excellent and refreshing name for a dog, reflecting the stimulating nature of the Zagyva River.

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FAQs – Hungarian Dog Names

Why choose Hungarian names for my dog?

With a rich linguistic and historical background, these names can reflect the spirit of Hungary, making the naming process both meaningful and enjoyable.

Are Hungarian dog names suitable for all breeds?

Absolutely! Hungarian names are versatile and can suit dogs of any breed. Whether you have a lively Vizsla or a regal Komondor, a Hungarian name can perfectly complement your dog’s personality.

Can I use Hungarian dog names for female and male dogs alike?

Many Hungarian names are unisex and can be used for female and male dogs. The flexibility of these names allows you to choose based on your dog’s character rather than gender.

Are there specific Hungarian names for certain traits or characteristics?

Indeed! Many Hungarian names carry meanings related to traits, nature, or historical significance. This allows you to choose a name that reflects your dog’s personality, appearance, or unique qualities.

How do I know which Hungarian dog name is right for my pet?

Consider your dog’s personality, appearance, and characteristics. Look for names that resonate with you and capture the essence of your furry friend. Trust your instincts to find the perfect fit.


Embracing Hungarian dog names for your furry companion adds a touch of cultural richness and individuality to their identity. Whether you choose a name inspired by nature, historical figures, or culinary delights, each Hungarian name carries a unique charm. Take your time, explore the meanings, and choose a name that sounds great and resonates with your beloved pet’s spirit. May your dog’s Hungarian name become a source of joy and connection in your shared adventures.