Top 77+ Names for Basset Hound Dogs (2024)

Through this carefully curated list of Basset Hound Dog Names, you may enjoy naming your pet. Find alternatives that capture the special personality and qualities of your dog. There is something in our selection for every mood, also ranging from lighthearted to elegant. There may be a deep bond between you and your pet since each male and female name embodies a certain trait. Browse our comprehensive guide to find the perfect name that perfectly expresses your Basset Hound’s individuality.

Male dog names for Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds, known for their distinct appearance and gentle demeanor, deserve names that reflect their unique charm. Here are Male dog names for Basset Hounds, each with a brief meaning.

Archer – Symbolizing precision, ideal for a Basset with sharp instincts and agility in movement.

Jester – Perfect for a playful and spirited Basset, bringing both joy and laughter to your home.

Nimbus – Evoking a sense of lightness, this name suits a carefree and easygoing Basset Hound.

Quasar – A cosmic choice for a Basset with both a sparkling personality and boundless energy.

Tundra – Ideal for a Basset with a calm and composed demeanor, exuding a calming presence.

Summit – Reflecting the peak of excellence, fitting for both an exceptionally skilled and accomplished Basset.

Zephyr – Signifying a gentle breeze, suitable for a Basset known for its soft and calming nature.

Titan – A solid and powerful choice for a robust Basset, showcasing both resilience and dominance.

Orion – Inspired by the constellation, perfect for a Basset with a star-like allure and grace.

Valor – A name reflecting both bravery and courage, ideal for a Basset displaying remarkable bravery.

Delta – Suggesting both change and transformation, a fitting choice for an adaptable Basset.

Fable – Ideal for a Basset with a storybook charm, adding a touch of enchantment to your life.

Nova – Representing a new beginning, suitable for a Basset, bringing both fresh joy and excitement.

Dune – A serene choice for both a calm and composed Basset, mirroring the tranquil desert landscape.

Quill – Ideal for an intellectual and curious Basset, highlighting a sharp and also inquisitive mind.

Vale – Suggesting a peaceful valley, fitting for a Basset, exuding both serenity and tranquility.

Female Dog Names for Basset Hounds

Welcoming a female Basset Hound into your family calls for a name as unique as her personality. Below are distinct Female dog names for Basset Hounds, each with a brief meaning.

Cascade – Representing a graceful flow, ideal for a Basset with both elegant movements and poise.

Seraph – Signifying angelic beauty, fitting for a Basset Hound with a divine and gentle aura.

Solstice – Perfect for a Basset, embodying warmth and radiance, bringing light to your home.

Azure – Inspired by the vibrant blue hue, suitable for a Basset with striking, captivating eyes.

Jubilee – Reflecting a sense of celebration, ideal for a Basset bringing both joy and festivity.

Verdant – A name representing lush greenery, fitting for a Basset with a vibrant spirit.

Luna – Evoking the moon’s charm, perfect for a Basset with a calm and also soothing presence.

Vesper – Suggesting evening calm, ideal for a Basset Hound with a tranquil and composed demeanor.

Celeste – Signifying heavenly beauty, a fitting choice for both an ethereal and captivating Basset.

Ember – A fiery choice for a spirited Basset, symbolizing both energy and enthusiasm.

Lark – Ideal for a Basset with a cheerful and harmonious nature, bringing happiness to all.

Whisper – A soft and gentle name for a Basset Hound with a quiet, comforting presence.

Pippin – Reflecting a playful spirit, perfect for both a lively and mischievous Basset companion.

Sonnet – Inspired by poetic elegance, suitable for a Basset with a graceful and expressive demeanor.

Moxie – A name suggesting both determination and courage, fitting for a Basset with a bold character.

Zephyra – A feminine twist on Zephyr, symbolizing a gentle breeze, perfect for a calm Basset.

Opal – A gemstone-inspired name for a Basset with both a unique and iridescent charm.

Unique Names for Basset Hound Dogs Related to Hunting

In the world of Basset Hounds, names rooted in the art of hunting evoke a sense of purpose and tradition. Discover distinctive, Unique Names for Basset Hound Dogs, each with a brief meaning.

Quarry – Reflecting the pursuit of the game, ideal for a Basset Hound with keen tracking instincts.

Falcon – A name symbolizing speed and precision, perfect for a Basset with swift movements.

Tracker – Ideal for a Basset Hound showcasing exceptional scent-tracking abilities during the hunt.

Havoc – Signifying controlled chaos, fitting for a Basset with both lively and energetic hunting prowess.

Talon – Inspired by the hunting claws, suitable for a Basset with both sharp instincts and agility.

Bolt – A name suggesting swift and sudden movement, ideal for a fast-paced Basset tracker.

Vigil – Reflecting watchfulness, perfect for a Basset Hound with a keen eye for prey.

Mirage – Symbolizing the elusive nature of the game, fitting for a Basset skilled in tracking.

Recon – Short for reconnaissance, ideal for a Basset with a sharp sense of exploration.

Sentry – Signifying a vigilant guardian, perfect for a Basset displaying protective hunting instincts.

Stealth – A name reflecting both quiet and strategic movements, fitting for a Basset during the pursuit.

Huntress – A fitting name for a female Basset with a skilled and tenacious hunting spirit.

Archer – Inspired by precision, perfect for a Basset Hound exhibiting accuracy in tracking and chasing.

Falconer – A unique choice representing a skilled hunter, ideal for a Basset with focused determination.

Ravine – Signifying a deep hunting ground, fitting for a Basset accustomed to challenging terrains.

Prowler – A name suggesting stealthy movements during the hunt, also perfect for a Basset tracker.

Sable – Reflecting a coat color associated with hunting, ideal for a Basset with dark, sleek fur.

Dog Names for Basset Hounds Related to Sky

Under the vast canvas of the sky, Basset Hounds find inspiration for names reflecting ethereal beauty. Discover Dog names for Basset Hounds, each accompanied by a brief meaning.

Breeze – A light wind, ideal for a Basset with both a gentle and calming presence.

Celestial – Relating to the sky, perfect for a Basset embodying a heavenly charm.

Aurora – Inspired by the northern lights, suitable for a Basset with a mesmerizing aura.

Cirrus – A name signifying wispy clouds, fitting for a Basset with a delicate and elegant demeanor.

Gale – A strong wind, ideal for a Basset displaying both energy and vigor.

Sunny – Reflecting brightness and warmth, fitting for a Basset exuding a cheerful disposition.

Horizon – Signifying the boundary between earth and sky, suitable for a Basset with also broad appeal.

Bolt – Inspired by lightning, perfect for a Basset Hound with both quick and sudden movements.

Whispy – A soft, gentle sound, ideal for a Basset with a quiet and comforting presence.

Zenith – The highest point in the sky, fitting for a Basset embodying both excellence and superiority.

Glide – Suggesting smooth, effortless movement, suitable for a Basset with graceful strides.

Harmony – Reflecting a peaceful coexistence, perfect for a Basset with a balanced and tranquil nature.

Stratus – A cloud formation ideal for a Basset Hound with a calm and composed demeanor.

Aether – The upper atmosphere, fitting for a Basset with both an elevated and regal presence.

Dawn – Symbolizing the start of a new day, perfect for a Basset bringing fresh joy.

Soleil – French for sun, suitable for a Basset radiating both warmth and positivity.

Peregrine – Inspired by falcons, ideal for a Basset Hound with swift and also purposeful movements.

Cute Dog Names for Basset Hounds Related to Red Food

In the vibrant world of Basset Hounds, we bring you charming, Cute dog names for Basset Hounds inspired by red foods, each with a delightful meaning.

Cherry – Sweet and lively, perfect for a Basset with a cheerful and spirited personality.

Raspberry – A vibrant choice for a Basset with both a positive and energetic demeanor.

Paprika – Inspired by the spice, fitting for a Basset displaying warmth and zest.

Cranberry – Symbolizing vitality, ideal for a Basset with a lively and energetic disposition.

Chili – A spicy name for a bold and playful Basset Hound with a fiery spirit.

Scarlet – Reflecting the rich red color, suitable for a Basset with a bold and vibrant presence.

Radish – A cute choice for a small Basset with a lively and playful personality.

Pepper – Signifying both spice and warmth, fitting for a Basset with a cheerful temperament.

Strawberry – Sweet and delightful, perfect for a Basset with a charming and affectionate nature.

Tomato – A classic red choice, ideal for a Basset Hound with a timeless and friendly demeanor.

Sorbet – A cool and refreshing name for both a calm and composed Basset with a sweet disposition.

Pomegranate – Symbolizing abundance, fitting for a Basset with a rich and loving personality.

Cinnamon – Warm and comforting, perfect for a Basset Hound with both a nurturing and cozy nature.

Radicchio – Inspired by the vibrant lettuce, suitable for a Basset with a colorful and lively presence.

Brick – A solid and sturdy choice, fitting for a Basset with a strong and dependable character.

Berry – Simple and sweet, perfect for a Basset with both a cute and endearing demeanor.

Vermilion – A vivid and striking choice, suitable for a Basset with a bold and eye-catching personality.

Coral – Inspired by the vibrant marine color, ideal for a Basset with a lively and cheerful disposition.

Basset Hound Puppy Names Related to Ships

Navigating the sea of adorable Basset Hound puppy names, discover Basset Hound puppy names inspired by ships, each accompanied by a brief meaning.

Sloop – A sleek and agile name, perfect for a Basset Hound with grace and skill.

Brig – Signifying strength, ideal for a Basset displaying sturdy and reliable characteristics.

Prow – Inspired by the front of a ship, fitting for a Basset with a determined demeanor.

Schooner – A name suggesting elegance and speed, suitable for a swift and lively Basset.

Galley – Reflecting communal spirit, perfect for a pleasant and friendly Basset Hound.

Flotilla – Symbolizing unity, ideal for a Basset known for its close bonds and companionship.

Jib – A playful and spirited choice, fitting for a lively and energetic Basset puppy.

Mariner – Inspired by sailors, suitable for a Basset with a sense of adventure and exploration.

Frigate – Signifying a versatile ship, ideal for a Basset Hound with adaptable and dynamic traits.

Keel – A stable and grounded name, perfect for a Basset displaying balance and composure.

Schoal – Reflecting unity, fitting for a Basset known for its close-knit and friendly nature.

Mainsail – Symbolizing leadership, suitable for a Basset with a confident and assertive presence.

Catamaran – A name suggesting agility with both nimble and quick movements.

Helm – Inspired by the ship’s steering, fitting for a Basset with a guiding and loyal nature.

Cutter – A sharp and agile choice, perfect for a Basset displaying both keen intelligence and responsiveness.

Staysail – Reflecting support, suitable for a Basset known for its loyal and comforting presence.

Corsair – Symbolizing both adventure and daring, ideal for a Basset Hound with a fearless spirit.

Quay – A unique and charming name, fitting for a Basset with a distinctive and memorable personality.

Buoy – Reflecting both buoyancy and lightness, perfect for a Basset Hound with a playful and cheerful demeanor.

Dog Names for a Basset Hound Related to Colors

In the vivid palette of Basset Hound personalities, explore Dog names for a Basset Hound inspired by colors, each accompanied by a brief meaning.

Cerulean – A serene blue, ideal for a Basset Hound with both a calm and composed demeanor.

Tawny – Reflecting warm hues, perfect for a Basset displaying a cozy and friendly nature.

Indigo – A profound, mystical choice fits a Basset Hound with both a mysterious and wise presence.

Citrine – A vibrant yellow, ideal for both a lively and cheerful Basset spreading joy.

Ebony – Symbolizing richness, suitable for a Basset with a luxurious, sleek black coat.

Topaz – A golden-brown name, perfect for a Basset Hound with both a warm and radiant personality.

Sienna – Reflecting earthy tones, ideal for both a grounded and steadfast Basset companion.

Mauve – A delicate and soft name, suitable for a Basset with a gentle and sweet disposition.

Garnet – Symbolizing deep red, perfect for a Basset Hound with both a rich and captivating charm.

Sage – A muted green choice, fitting for a Basset displaying a calm and also soothing presence.

Umber – Reflecting natural earth tones, suitable for a Basset with a grounded and sturdy character.

Coral – A vibrant marine choice, perfect for both a lively and spirited Basset companion.

Alabaster – Symbolizing purity, fitting for a Basset Hound with a gentle and innocent demeanor.

Crimson – A bold red, ideal for a Basset displaying both energy and a lively temperament.

Cobalt – A profound blue choice, suitable for a Basset with a mysterious and also alluring presence.

Onyx – Reflecting sleek black, perfect for a Basset Hound with a shiny and polished coat.

Ivory – A soft and elegant choice, fitting for a Basset, exuding both grace and refinement.

Read More: Australian Names for Dogs

Final Words

Our collection of Basset Hound names complements a range of personality types, ensuring a close relationship between owner and companion. This comprehensive book not only offers a wealth of options, but it also encourages you to recognize the special features of your canine companion. Giving your Basset Hound a name that holds particular importance for you might help to build a bond that will last a lifetime and improve your relationship with them beyond basic naming rules. As you go through this carefully curated collection, imagine the joy and energy that each name may bring to your animal friend. Enhance the satisfaction of owning a pet by giving them a name that captures the essence of your dog’s enthusiasm in every enthusiastic bark and wag of the tail. Take advantage of the opportunity to name your pet in a way that honors their individuality and brings a new level of joy and companionship to your travels together.

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