Star Trek Dog Names – Male & Female Names For Your Pet

In the vast expanse of the canine cosmos, where loyalty and adventure collide, Star Trek enthusiasts find inspiration for naming their four-legged friends. Dive into the Star Trek Dog Names universe and embark on a celestial journey to discover the perfect appellation for your furry companion.

Choose a name from the Star Trek universe that resonates with your dog’s personality and embark on a lifelong voyage of companionship and discovery. Set your pup on a course for intergalactic greatness with a name that pays homage to the timeless legacy of Star Trek.

Star Trek Dog Names

Finding the perfect name for your furry companion can be an exciting journey in the vast universe of Star Trek, where exploration knows no bounds.

Tiberius: Named after the iconic Captain James Tiberius Kirk, this name exudes leadership and
charisma, perfect for a bold and adventurous pup.

Nyota: A Swahili name meaning “star,” paying homage to Lieutenant Nyota Uhura. Ideal for a dog that lights up your life.

Sulu: Inspired by Hikaru Sulu, this name represents strength and loyalty, fitting for a canine companion who stands by your side.

Pavel: Taken from Pavel Chekov, this name radiates youthful energy and enthusiasm, making it an excellent choice for an active and playful dog.

Astra: Meaning “star” in Latin, this name is a subtle nod to the vastness of space, perfect for a dog with a shining personality.

Quasar: Reflecting the brilliance of celestial objects, Quasar is a mighty name for a dog that commands attention and admiration.

Nebula: A cosmic name inspired by the colorful clouds of space, suitable for a pup with a vibrant and dynamic presence.

Seraph: A name derived from the Seraph-class starships, suggesting grace and elegance for a sophisticated canine companion.

Nova: Symbolizing new beginnings and explosive energy, Nova is a fitting name for a lively and spirited dog.

Aegis: Meaning “protection” or “shield,” this name is inspired by the USS Aegis, making it suitable for a loyal and watchful guardian.

Luna: A nod to Earth’s moon, Luna is a simple yet elegant name for a dog with a calm and serene demeanor.

Stellar: Capturing the essence of all things celestial, Stellar is a name that signifies brightness and radiance.

Quintessence: Reflecting the fifth element and the epitome of perfection, this name is ideal for a dog that embodies excellence.

Female Star Trek Names For Dogs

Embarking on the quest to name your new female furry friend is an exciting journey, especially when inspired by the vast wonders of space.

Orionis: Derived from the Orion constellation, this name embodies strength and beauty, making it a perfect fit for a regal and majestic pup.

Nebulae: Inspired by interstellar clouds, Nebulae is an ideal name for a dog with a mysterious and captivating presence.

Cassia: A subtle variation of Cassiopeia, this name exudes regality and grace, perfect for a dog with a dignified demeanor.

Helia: Rooted in “helios,” meaning sun, Helia is a name that radiates warmth, making it suitable for a cheerful and sunny-natured pup.

Galaxia: This name, inspired by galaxies, is perfect for a dog with a vast and expansive personality, mirroring the beauty of the cosmos.

Solara: A fusion of “solar” and “aura,” Solara is a name that signifies the radiant energy and presence of your stellar canine companion.

Celestra: Combining “celestial” and “extra,” Celestra is a unique name for a dog that brings an extraordinary and celestial presence into your life.

Astros: Derived from “astronomy,” Astros is a cosmic name that suits a pup with a curious and inquisitive nature.

Quasara: Derived from “quasar,” this name is ideal for a dog with a vibrant and energetic personality, much like the powerful cosmic phenomena.

Selenia: Derived from “Selene,” the Greek goddess of the moon, Selenia is a name for a dog with a gentle and luminous spirit.

Asteria: Inspired by the stars, Asteria is a celestial name for a dog that twinkles with charm and grace.

Cosmara: A fusion of “cosmos” and “mara,” this name symbolizes a dog with a captivating presence.

Stellaris: Derived from “stellar,” Stellaris is a name that signifies your beloved canine companion’s brilliance and star-like qualities.

Male Star Trek Dog Names

Suppose you love the iconic US science fiction television series Star Trek. Why not draw inspiration from this intergalactic saga to give your new canine friend a name that resonates with the spirit of exploration and adventure?

Kirk: A strong and confident name inspired by Captain James T. Kirk, the charismatic leader of the starship Enterprise.

Spock: Logical and composed, just like the half-human, half-Vulcan science officer, Mr. Spock.

Bones: Nickname for Dr. Leonard McCoy, the ship’s compassionate and witty chief medical officer.

Sulu: A sleek and elegant name paying homage to Hikaru Sulu, the skilled helmsman and later captain.

Chekov: A charming name inspired by Pavel Chekov, the Russian navigator known for his youthful enthusiasm.

Scotty: Perfect for a pup with boundless energy, after Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, who consistently delivered in a crisis.

Data: For the intellectually inclined pup, named after the android officer with a penchant for learning.

Geordi: A unique and modern-sounding name inspired by Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge and his iconic VISOR.

Worf: A strong and imposing name, fitting for a pup with a bold and protective demeanor inspired by the Klingon warrior.

Quark: Ideal for a naughty and playful dog, named after the Ferengi bartender known for his shrewd business sense.

Odo: An enigmatic and mysterious name inspired by the shape-shifting security chief on Deep Space Nine.

Chakotay: A powerful and spiritual name after the first officer of the starship Voyager in the Delta Quadrant.

Neelix: Perfect for a pup with a cheerful and optimistic personality, named after the Talaxian morale officer and chef.

Tomalak: A strong and regal name inspired by the formidable Romulan commander known for his cunning strategies.

Lore: For a pup with a mischievous streak, named after Data’s less ethical brother and fellow android.

Star Trek Names For Dogs

Finding the perfect name for your canine companion can be an exciting mission in the vast universe of Star Trek, where exploration knows no bounds.

Galadriel: A majestic name inspired by the powerful character in Star Trek, this is perfect for a dog with a regal and noble presence.

Triton: Named after the moon of Neptune, Triton represents mystery and exploration, making it an intriguing choice for a curious canine companion.

Cynosure: Inspired by the guiding star, Cynosure is a name that signifies leadership and guidance for an assertive and confident pup.

Zephyr: A unique name inspired by the Starfleet ship “USS Zephyr,” symbolizing agility and a spirited nature.

Nebulosa: A poetic variation of Nebula, Nebulosa captures the beauty of the cosmos in a name suitable for a dog with a mesmerizing presence.

Zenitha: Symbolizing the highest point in the sky, Zenitha is a name for a dog with a position of excellence and prominence in your heart.

Khan: A name denoting strength and charisma, inspired by the infamous Khan Noonien Singh.

Q: Short and quirky, perfect for a pup with a playful and unpredictable nature, just like the mischievous omnipotent being.

Chakotay: After the Maquis-turned-Starfleet officer, this name symbolizes loyalty, spirituality, and a deep connection with nature.

Janeway: In honor of Captain Kathryn Janeway, this name denotes strong leadership, resilience, and determination.

Neelix: Named after the Talaxian chef, Neelix represents warmth, friendliness, and a love for culinary delights.

Tuvok: Inspired by the Vulcan security officer, Tuvok embodies discipline, calmness, and a strong sense of duty.

Lorca: After Captain Gabriel Lorca, this name signifies strategic thinking, adaptability, and a touch of mystery.

Geordi: Named after Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge, this moniker represents ingenuity, technical expertise, and a positive outlook.

Star Trek Original Series Dog Alien Name

Numerous alien species have captivated audiences in the vast universe of Star Trek’s Original Series.

Zyxar: Derived from the ancient Dogon language, Zyxar symbolizes loyalty and strength.

Fenix: A nod to the mythical phoenix, this name represents rebirth and resilience in the face of challenges.

Korrax: Inspired by the Klingon language, Korrax embodies ferocity and fearlessness.

Nyxar: Rooted in the ancient Greek word ‘nyx,’ meaning night, Nyxar signifies the aliens’ affinity for darkness and mystery.

Lunara: Combining “lunar” and “ara,” this name reflects the Dog Aliens’ connection to celestial bodies and cosmic forces.

Talon: A straightforward yet powerful choice, Talon emphasizes these extraterrestrial canines’ sharp, predatory nature.

Astraal: Infused with cosmic energy, Astraal suggests the aliens’ otherworldly origins and celestial powers.

Sablex: Drawing from the word “sable,” meaning black, Sablex highlights the aliens’ sleek, dark fur and stealthy nature.

Vortexa: Reflecting their enigmatic nature, Vortexa symbolizes the swirling mysteries surrounding the Dog Aliens.

Emberix: Evoking the image of glowing embers, Emberix represents the aliens’ fiery spirit and passion.

Houndra: A fusion of “hound” and “ra,” this name underscores the aliens’ canine traits and regal demeanor.

Nebulon: Rooted in the word “nebula,” Nebulon hints at the vast, cosmic territories these Dog Aliens call home.

Obsidia: Inspired by “obsidian,” this name signifies the aliens’ sharp, cutting-edge technology and tools.

Quasar: A celestial reference, Quasar embodies the radiant energy and brilliance of the Dog Aliens.

Solara: Blending “solar” and “ara,” Solara represents the aliens’ connection to solar energies and light.

Vespera: Derived from “vesper,” meaning evening, Vespera suggests the aliens’ heightened activity during twilight.

Zenithar: A combination of “zenith” and “ar,” Zenithar signifies the peak of the Dog Aliens’ power and influence.

Star Trek Archer’s Dog’s Name

In the vast universe of Star Trek, Captain Jonathan Archer’s loyal canine companion has been a beloved character known for its unwavering loyalty and endearing presence.

Celest: Inspired by the celestial wonders of the universe, Celest embodies a sense of cosmic loyalty.

Nimbus: A name reminiscent of the mysterious clouds of distant galaxies, symbolizing Archer’s companion as a constant presence.

Orion: An homage to the Orion constellation, representing strength and companionship on interstellar journeys.

Nova: Derived from exploding stars, Nova signifies the dog’s vibrant and explosive personality.

Nebula: Named after the celestial clouds, Nebula represents the dog’s ever-changing yet constant nature.

Aegis: A term synonymous with protection, Aegis emphasizes the dog’s role as Archer’s loyal guardian.

Titan: Titan, inspired by Saturn’s largest moon, symbolizes the dog’s massive yet gentle presence.

Luna: Taking inspiration from Earth’s moon, Luna conveys a sense of tranquility and companionship.

Zephyr: Like a gentle breeze, Zephyr represents the calming influence Archer’s dog brings to the starship.

Pulsar: Drawing from the powerful pulsars in space, this name conveys the dog’s energetic and
dynamic nature.

Solace: A name reflecting the comfort and ease Archer finds in the companionship of his canine friend.

Draco: Named after the constellation, Draco signifies the dog’s protective instincts and fierce loyalty.

Phoenix: Symbolizing rebirth and renewal, the phoenix represents the dog’s ability to bring new life to Archer’s adventures.

Galadriel: A name of elvish origin, Galadriel embodies grace and elegance, reflecting the refined presence of Archer’s canine companion.

Pike: In honor of Captain Christopher Pike, this name symbolizes courage, resilience, and a commitment to exploration.\

Odo: After Constable Odo, this name represents adaptability, intuition, and a strong sense of justice.

Chekov: In honor of Pavel Chekov, this name embodies youthful enthusiasm, optimism, and a love for exploration.

Star Trek Enterprise Dog Name

These futuristic and science fiction-inspired names glimpse the imaginative and technologically advanced world of Captain Archer and his canine companion.

Synth: Short for synthetic, Synth captures the essence of advanced technology and artificial intelligence.

Neural: Drawing inspiration from neural networks, this name signifies the interconnectedness of Captain Archer and his canine companion.

Chrono: Rooted in the concept of time, Chrono encapsulates the temporal dimension of Archer’s spacefaring odyssey.

Xeno: Derived from xenon, a noble gas often associated with futuristic propulsion systems, Xeno embodies cutting-edge technology and propulsion mechanisms.

Astral: Evoking the celestial plane, Astral signifies the transcendence of physical boundaries, portraying Captain Archer’s dog as a divine being navigating the cosmic expanse alongside his human counterpart.

Technot: A fusion of “technology” and “knot,” Technot signifies the intricacies and entanglements encountered in the technologically advanced future.

Pulse: Inspired by futuristic pulse technology, this name symbolizes the rhythmic heartbeat of Archer’s explorations and the pulse of energy that courses through their shared experiences.

Cyber: An abbreviation of “cybernetic,” Cyber reflects technology integration into the fabric of Captain Archer’s journey, highlighting the seamless fusion of man and machine.

Infinity: Embodying the limitless possibilities of space exploration, Infinity reflects the expansive horizons that Captain Archer and his dog boldly venture into.

Galacto: Drawing inspiration from “galactic,” Galacto signifies the vastness of space and the many galaxies that Archer and his loyal companion traverse.

Orbita: Rooted in “orbit,” this name conveys the cyclical nature of Archer’s interstellar journey, suggesting a continuous and harmonious trajectory through the cosmos.

Cortex: Reflecting the advanced cognitive capabilities of Captain Archer’s canine companion, Cortex signifies a heightened level of intelligence and awareness in science fiction.

Eclipse: A fusion of “eclipse” and “star,” Eclipsar symbolizes the cosmic phenomena punctuating Archer’s adventures.

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Faqs About Star Trek Dog Names

How were the names for Captain Archer’s dog chosen?

The names for Captain Archer’s dog were carefully curated to reflect the cosmic essence of Star Trek and its futuristic narrative. Each name draws inspiration from science fiction, technology, and celestial phenomena to create a unique and fitting moniker for the loyal canine companion.

Are these names based on actual astronomical concepts?

Many of the names have roots in astronomical and scientific concepts. They were selected to add depth and authenticity to the narrative, aligning with the futuristic and exploratory themes of the Star Trek universe.

What is the significance of incorporating science fiction elements into the dog names?

By infusing science fiction elements, the names contribute to the immersive world-building within Star Trek. They symbolize the unknown, advanced technology, and the cosmic wonders that Captain Archer and his dog encounter on their interstellar journey.

How do these names enhance the storytelling in Star Trek?

The names contribute to the overall narrative by adding layers of meaning and depth to the relationship between Captain Archer and his dog. Each name symbolizes the challenges, triumphs, and cosmic mysteries that unfold throughout their adventures.

Can these names be connected to specific episodes or story arcs in Star Trek?

While the names are not explicitly tied to specific episodes, they resonate with the overarching themes of space exploration, technology, and the unknown prevalent throughout the Star Trek series. They serve as versatile additions that can enhance various aspects of the storytelling.


In conclusion, the names bestowed upon Captain Archer’s loyal canine companion in Star Trek serve as more than mere labels. They are intricate threads woven into a narrative that spans galaxies and explores the uncharted territories of outer space and the human-animal bond. Drawing inspiration from science fiction, astronomy, and advanced technology, these names become beacons of imagination.

Like constellations in the night sky, these names guide us through the untold stories and adventures that unfold in the infinite expanse of Star Trek.